During the lockdown, the Modi government has sent 2000 rupees for the fifth of the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme and the first installment of this financial year to the farmers' account. As of 6 May, the beneficiaries of 8.19 crore PM Kisan Samman Nidhi have received an installment of Rs 2,000. After the launch of the scheme, 5 installments of Rs 2,000 have been sent to the farmers so far. Its sixth installment is also going to come soon, despite this, there are many such farmers whose accounts are not able to reach this amount. The reason for this is a small spelling mistake.
Despite being eligible, if you have not received the benefit of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, there may be a difference in name spelling in your Aadhaar card or bank account and other documents. Due to a spelling mistake, the first installment of 2000 out of Rs 6000 of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi has not reached the account of about 70 lakh farmers. If you are also among these 70 lakh farmers, then rectify this mistake now.
Actually, there is a mess in the name and bank account number of 70 lakh applicants of PM Kisan Yojana, due to which the amount of this scheme does not pass the automatic system. If someone's Aadhar card is different from their bank account, then there is some other problem in one's document. Let us know that the Modi government wants to give money to 14.5 crore people annually, but only 9.68 crore farmers have got the benefit. If you are still deprived of the benefits of this scheme due to this small mistake, then take advantage of the scheme by fixing it through these easy steps.
You enter your Aadhaar number here. After this enter a captcha code and submit.
If your name is wrong only, ie both the application and your name in Aadhaar are different then you can fix it online.
If there is any other mistake, then contact it in your Lekhpal and Department of Agriculture office
What to do if you do not get the money even after this
If you do not get the money even after applying, then contact the helpline (PM-Kisan Helpline 155261 or 1800115526 (Toll Free) issued by the Union Ministry of Agriculture. If you do not even speak, then the second number of the ministry (011-23381092) But can also talk
These people will not get benefit
Officers in the central or state government and farmers getting more than 10 thousand pension will not get the benefit. Farmers who paid income tax in the last financial year will also be deprived of its benefits. Doctor, engineer, CA, lawyer, architect, current or former minister, mayor, district panchayat president, MLA, MLC, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members are excluded from the scheme.
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